Rumi’s Caravan 2018

event | February 10, 2018 — Sebastopol, CA, USA

It is a joy and delight to participate in Rumi's Caravan once again!

The moment may dictate otherwise, but at the time of this posting, this is my best guess for which poems I will recite at the event. These poems are not yet published, but I'm making them available -- just for the caravan community :)

1. "The Chickpea & the Chef" -- I wrote this poem specifically for this Rumi's Caravan performance! It is a rhyming adaptation based on translations of Coleman Barks and Reynold A. Nicholson.

2. "The Paradox" -- I wrote this rhyme in 2003. I recently heard that Carl Jung once noted that "Paradox is one of our most valued spiritual possessions." An important topic for our times.

3. "The Blind Men & the Elephant" -- This poem was written by John Godfrey Saxe way back in the 1800's. I've updated the language a bit and added one stanza at the end.

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❤ 2000-2018 | Maja Apolonia Rodé

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