The Exponential Power of Awakened Community

video | 48 min. | a Conversation In Consciousness with my guest Jim Trofatter

Scroll down for the outline with timestamps.

This spontaneous dialogue with a wise friend of consciousness, Jim Trofatter, starts with a question I’ve been pondering for some time: Why is it important for “Secret Agents of Awareness” to simply be aware of each other?

CONVERSATIONS IN CONSCIOUSNESS is a potential series of dialogues with the wise beings of my world. Let me know if you would enjoy more like this.

Outline / Timestamps

01:25 Why is it so powerful for "Secret Agents of Awareness" to just simply be aware of each other?

03:40 Embodied awareness makes it especially powerful

05:30 It doesn't take that many awakened people to affect the planet.

07:00 The importance of the cleanness of awakening/energy/body for the exponential effect to occur.

09:00 About the body and the flow of this energy.

10:00 Where does the body end? What is the body? Wherever the sense of I disappears is where our unique body ends.

11:30 The I of the soul, an organ of perception of the universe.

13:00 Templates for our uniqueness to be developed and expressed in all of us, awakened souls

15:15 The reward is to be alive as what you are inspired and meant to be

17:00 Reality is always in an experiment with itself -- the universe asks "who am I" through each of us

17:45 And then who are "we"?

18:45 The flow of needs that are met naturally

20:15 Going outwards is a dysfunction humanity at this time. Finding our own worth

22:15 Nonduality vs Uniqueness. I can never be you. You have a unique perspective. There's something special about that that we underestimate.

24:00 Variety of experiences of totality

25:45 You have to know your own direct experience. Discover the take on the universe that only you can have, and the dharma that only you can deliver

27:15 Your soul is a unique construction, a new way of power, love, etc. Let's see what love, truth, compassion look like in you?

30:00 How does this relate to "template" people?

33:00 Can you be awake if there is no understanding of where you are actually at?

34:30 Cultivating flow without constrictions, unilocal reality

35:30 Creating worlds when we are all playing it together, growing exponentially

36:00 Dante's passage. "The more souls who resonate together the greater the intensity of their love..."

37:30 Cultivating the space and potential of gathering people into integrated microprocessing units. The power of twelve. Twelve buddha's in a room.

40:00 In-person experiment of randomized Divine Dialogues

41:45 Conditions to cultivate for an in-person gathering. The power of a common interest focal point that pulls people in when they hear it. The power of "randomness".

44:30 What are the conditions to cultivate the magic of the randomness?

48:45 How would you summarize our conversation?

References and Info

Books by A.H. Almaas the Jim referred to: "Endless Enlightenment" and "The Alchemy of Freedom"

Recorded March 9, 2023

❤ 2023 | Maja Apolonia Rodé

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