Divine Dice Portal VI

The Love Ecology

Life is a flow of love. Your participation is requested.

Together, let us cultivate . . .

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What then becomes possible?

  • The Love Ecology is a living landscape of joyful, flowing connection among lovers of Earth and all her inhabitants. As we consciously cultivate the field of gratitude, reciprocity, and kinship, we grow roots into the fertile soil of our togetherness. With every action of giving and receiving the flow of love, we regenerate the luminous heart of humanity, play our part as caring stewards of planet earth, and thrive in the full expression of our gifts — individually and collectively.

  • Meditatively attune to the field of love and actively participate in its life-giving flow. The words that appear the screen are unique to you and to this moment now. There are 8000 possible inquiry topics.

    Explore Changing Topics:

    Stay on this page and gently gaze at the changing facets of The Love Ecology. Allow each idea to enter your awareness and touch you in whatever way it does. If you are called to ponder a topic more deeply, close your eyes and give it time. Otherwise, let each topic turn into the next, in a perpetual flow of possibility and inspiration.

    Explore One Topic:

    Know yourself as a living expression of love's evolution, a living extension of planet Earth and nature itself.

    Here's one way to tune in on your own or with others and listen deeply for insights, metaphors, and guidance.

    1. Before you click the “Get One Topic” button above, pause and take a quiet breath (or a few). Let your pause be long enough for your mind to relax and your heart to open. Attune to the field of Love. Feel yourself connected to the field of love, to each other and to the planet.

    2. When you are ready, click the "Get One Topic" button. You will be shown a question to tune into a unique topic for your personal or group inquiry.

    3. Ponder the question for a minute in silence. Relax and imagine what the field of love wants you to know about this topic. What does love want say through us and to us? If you are with a group, speak when spoken through. Speak from the field and to the field.

    Learn more about leading a group inquiry based on Collective Presencing.

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